ConsulTech has developed and market these two products:
e-Col™ is a Content Collaboration Platform, which we offer as a SaaS product. The platform provides file sharing, simultaneous editing of documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) with several authors and project management functions such as chat, video and voip calls, task management, calendar and others.
The innovation is that e-Col enables GDPR compliant, legally secure and confidential collaboration and information exchange in contract to other systems (Google-Docs; iCloud; MS Office 365). No information of a User and Use of the system will be transmitted to third parties; in this regard it is an autark system.
e-Col is not only suitable for the management of collaborative research projects but also for other use cases and independent of a branche: law firms and tax offices use e-col; it is perfect to integrate employees working in their home office.
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DocStore™ is a web-based document-management system. Many documents used in almost all business might be digitally managened. This might be invoices, contracts etc. With DocStore these documents can be digitally captured and structured. By defining an unambiguous classification defined by the user clarity and structured visibility is generated and a quick search is possible. Such a paperless / digital office enables a quick, effective and secure access over different locations of the company or offices.
DocStore is completely browser-based and browser-operated; any installation of an additional software is not required.
Typical workflow: documents are scanned, will be up-loaded into DocStore and tagged with pre-defined keywords. The documents might be shared with colleagues or groups of colleagues. An intelligent search function facilitates finding documents stored.
A short graphical representation is found here; contact us for more details by dropping us an email.