Successful Grant Applications for LifeScience Projects
KMU innovativ "Medtech"
Medical technology plays a key role in providing the highest level of patient care. However, its importance for the German economy should not be underestimated. In order to consolidate the position of medical technology, the BMBF has opted for targeted and comprehensive funding in the form of the KMU-innovativ Medizintechnik programme.
Purpose of the grant scheme
Innovations in the field of medical technology usually harbour enormous potential both for future healthcare and for the economic opportunities of the company implementing them. In recent years, medical technology has increasingly developed into a fast-growing and highly innovative industry. The industry's annual turnover is around 30 billion euros. The willingness to invest, which stems from this turnover, currently amounts to around 9 per cent in the area of research and development.
Another aspect that speaks in favour of supporting companies through subsidies within the framework of KMU innovativ Medizintechnik is the high global demand for medical technology products from Germany. Products with the privilege of being "Made in Germany" continue to occupy top positions in international demand rankings. One reason for this is the high quality standards. The economic success of German medical technology companies is largely due to innovations and the development of new products. Products that are no more than three years old account for around a third of total sales. At the same time, however, companies are also facing immense challenges. The market is characterised by enormous dynamism.
Another aspect is that the process is not complete with the development, research and manufacture of medical products. Clinical trials must also always be proven.
What is funded?
KMU innovativ MedTech can be used to promote the development, manufacture and research of medical technology products. The focus is on innovative solutions that can be used to improve everyday care in the healthcare sector.
Who receives funding?
The programme focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises. SMEs in particular are under considerable pressure from the large industrial companies in this sector. After all, they can clearly dominate the market, especially in the area of large devices. Nevertheless, there are a total of around 1,300 SMEs in the medical technology sector. They employ around 140,000 people and are therefore highly relevant to the economy as a whole. According to the BMBF, they form the innovative backbone of German medical technology and should receive the necessary support through funding.
How is the funding provided?
Applications for the SME Innovative Medical Technology funding programme are submitted in a competitive process in two stages. In the first stage, a draft application must be submitted by two deadlines per year (15 April and 15 October). After a positive assessment, the applicant is invited to submit a full proposal. Applications can be submitted to KMU innovativ Medizintechnik for pre-competitive development and industrial research projects.
Personnel costs, subcontracting costs and material costs are eligible for funding.