ConsulTech at BIO-Europe
06/10/17 12:15
ConsulTech participates at the BIO-Europe, which takes place in Berlin between 6th - 8th November 2017!
BIO-Europe is Europe’s biggest pharma and biotechnology partnering conference, bringing together decision makers from life science and the investors. The accompanying exhibition is an unmissable opportunity to meet new customers, and to present innovative ideas and projects to VC, customers and partners.
Meet the team using the partnering tool of the conference and discuss funding opportunities!
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BIO-Europe is Europe’s biggest pharma and biotechnology partnering conference, bringing together decision makers from life science and the investors. The accompanying exhibition is an unmissable opportunity to meet new customers, and to present innovative ideas and projects to VC, customers and partners.
Meet the team using the partnering tool of the conference and discuss funding opportunities!
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Funding competition Biomedical catalyst 2017 - "feasibility studies and early-stage project"
01/09/17 13:45
Innovate UK and the Medical Research Council (MRC) are to invest up to £12 million in new and novel healthcare solutions. There are 2 competitions for UK micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the latest round of the Biomedical Catalyst. These are for feasibility and early stage projects. Read More…
Horizon 2020 - European-Russian Initiative "ERA-Net RUS plus Call 2017"
01/09/17 13:44
The goal of the call will be to create a long-term research collaboration in the field of innovation between EU Member States/Associated Countries and Russia. Innovative research collaboration of a high standard between teams from EU Member States and/or Associated Countries and Russia will be supported through an open competition. Read More…
BIO-Europe 2017 Berlin – joint booth "Innovation Incubator"
23/06/17 09:43
ConsulTech GmbH organises the “Innovation Incubator” at BIO-Europe 2017 from 6th - 8th November 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
Participation in the joint booth is a great opportunity to present your company at Europe’s biggest pharma and biotechnology partnering conference and to discuss projects in a pleasant atmosphere at a competitive rate at your own stand or in the shared lounge. Read More…
Participation in the joint booth is a great opportunity to present your company at Europe’s biggest pharma and biotechnology partnering conference and to discuss projects in a pleasant atmosphere at a competitive rate at your own stand or in the shared lounge. Read More…
Transnational funding program "ERA-NET RUS Plus"
11/06/17 16:25
In frame of "ERA.Net RUS Plus" grants in the area of Nanotechnologies, Environment/Climate change, Health, Social Sciences and Humanities and Robotics shall be awarded to applicants from these states:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Finnland, Lithuania, Moldawia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slowakia, Switzerland and Turkey.
More specifically, grants shall be awarded for projects focussing on these areas:
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Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Finnland, Lithuania, Moldawia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slowakia, Switzerland and Turkey.
More specifically, grants shall be awarded for projects focussing on these areas:
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Transnational Funds for Research on "Interrelation of the Intestinal Microbiome, Diet and Health"
07/03/17 11:53
The joint programming initiative (JPI) "A healthy diet for a healthy life" (HDHL) calls for joint transnational research projects on the Interrelation of the Intestinal Microbiome, Diet and Health. The programme "INtesTInal MICrobiomics (INTIMIC)" is cofunded by the European Union and aims to support multinational, collaborative research projects that address important research questions regarding the cause-and-effect relationships between diet, the intestinal microbiome and human health. Read More…
Up-to-date list of European funding opportunities (Horizon 2020)
07/01/17 11:52
Horizon 2020 is the current EU funding programme for research and innovation running from 2014 to 2020 with a €80 billion budget. The European Commission publishes calls to submit application for project eventually to be funded after a reviewing process.
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